Intermediate Trumpet Lessons
The intermediate stage is a wonderful time to begin trumpet lesson. At this stage you've gotten a grasp on getting around the instrument pretty well and probably have a pretty good sound. This is the stage of enormous growth and development in your skill given the right approach and instruction. If you are a high school student you most likely fall into this category. During this stage we focus on refinement of sound and musicianship, working through a systematic set of exercises designed to chisel away any less mature sound or playing habits that you have formed since beginning on your instrument. Lessons will consist of learning more advanced techniques and drills, as well as learning appropriate repertoire to hone musicianship skills.
Refining Your Sound
Finding your unique style and sound is a crucial step to begin working on at this stage, as you will continue to refine it as you advance in your ability. I have a unique approach to finding resonance in the sound that has worked for over 100 students! My sound concept is driven by my orchestral style of playing where the trumpet is required to fill the hall and sour over the orchestra. But I will teach you how to do this using minimal effort!

Five Pillar Fundamentals
Studying with me you will learn about the five pillars of trumpet fundamentals - Tone, Flexibility, Articulation, Range, Flow - and most importantly, how to effectively practice them and incorporate them into your playing. Learning to practice correctly took me YEARS, but once I figured it out, I saw vast improvements. I can show you exactly how you can do this too!

Let's face it, no one picks up the trumpet to just play scales and exercises all the time, right? We play the trumpet to make music! At this stage you will begin learning standard repertoire appropriate for your skill level, and possibly get the chance to perform it!

FREE Consultation
Interested in taking lessons with me? Fill out the contact form to schedule a free 20 minute consultation where we will explore how can work together.